- 2001year
- Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry “Korean traditional food BEST 5” Gold medal award
- 2005year
- ISO14001 acquisition
- 2006year
- Good Design award (Korea Institute of Design Promotion)
- Small and Medium Business Administration Promising Export Business selection
- 2007year
- Kyongbuk Leader award (Food safety sector)
- 2009year
- Daegu Haany University President award (Entrepreneur Competition)
- Agro-Fisheries and Food Trade Corporation CEO Award (Excellent thesis award)
- 2010 year
- Small and Medium Business Administration Export Enterprise business selection
- Second consecutive selection as Promising Export Company HACCP authentication acquisition (international/SMR)
- Company-affiliated research and development institute selection
- 2011년
- Small and Medium Business Administration award (Industry-Academia Technology Development Business)
- Million Dollar Top Exports award (The 48th Trade day)
- Agriculture-industry-commerce convergence small and medium industry selection
- 2014 년
- ISO9001 authentication acquisition
- 2015 년
- ISO22000 authentication acquisition
- HALAL authentication acquisition (SINGAPORE)
- 기업부설연구소
인정서 - 농공상융합형중소기업
확인서 - 할랄(와레즈) 인증서
- 기술혁신형 중소기업
(INNO-BIZ) 확인서 - ISO 9001 : 2008 KS Q
ISO 9001 : 2009 인증서 - ISO 22000 : 2005 KS Q
ISO 22000 : 2009 인증서 - 벤처기업
- 경북 지도자상
- “한국전동식품 BEST5”
(금상 수상) - 우수논문상
(농수산식품유통공사) - 수출유망 중소기업
- 굿디자인상수상
(장려상) - “창업아이템경진대회”
(업체부분 수상) - 산학연 기술개발사업
(중소기업청 표창장) - 백만불 수출의 탑